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The development of food packaging machinery industry problems in

Release Date:[2010/2/5 17:55:08]    Total read [2185] Times

China's food packaging machinery industry in recent years, the achievements are significant, but compared with foreign products are still 20 years of technology gap. Some of our existing packaging machinery product technical content is not high, and senior foreign technology have been many advances in packaging machinery, such as long-distance remote control technology (including monitoring), stepper motor technology, automatic flexible compensation technology, laser cutting technology information processing technology. Most of the production of single-based domestic and abroad, mostly supporting the production, very few stand-alone sales. Product reliability is poor, slow technological upgrading, new technologies, new processes, new materials, applications less. China's food and packaging machinery more than stand-alone, complete sets of small, general-purpose models and more satisfied with the special requirements, special materials, equipment less. The products produced by low-tech, high-tech &#118alue-added, high-productivity, small number of products; intelligent device is still in development phase. China Food and Packaging Machinery product quality gap between the mainly poor in stability and reliability, modeling backward, look rough, basic parts and accessories short-lived, trouble-free running time is short, overhaul cycle is short, and the vast majority of products are not developed reliability standards. At present, China's food and packaging machinery is only 5% to abroad, the level of the last century, 90's, 20 per cent level of 80 years, 60 percent met only the level of foreign 70s. Compared with the industrialized countries, the Chinese food packaging machinery product variety per cent less 30 - 40%, 20-30 years behind the technological level.

    Food packaging machinery industry is the disregard of repeated low-level development of the industry requirements, to repeat the production of those low-cost, relatively backward technological level, easy to manufacture mechanical products phenomenon. At present, China's food and packaging machinery market flooded with low-cost, relatively backward technological level, easy to manufacture mechanical products. Such a market environment can not be improved if long-term will not benefit the whole industry, the upgrading of products. Specific and accurate data currently do not have statistics, the industry currently has about a quarter of companies have committed low-level repetitive phenomenon, there are about 1,000 enterprises in the low-level repetitive.

    Comparison of the primary technology of automatic sealing machine, there is only one place, Wenzhou, more than 100; simple process, there are still companies in the production of coders, thermal coders production has now been canceled by the state; using electric heating of the pancake machine has been very primitive, However, manufacturers are still many; deep-fried fritters machine despite oil filter and oil change the title of the subject, but because in rural areas and small towns, and the markets, there are still manufacturers in the production; filling and capping machine there are still a number of primary products are still production; more elementary machine production also continues to face pressure. Generate low-level repetitive production of the phenomenon because of the following areas: low-level products is not high-tech, manufacturing process is simple, the required investment costs are low; research and innovation capacity of enterprises serious shortage of replacement is too slow; companies developed their own failure to make timely application for a new product patent protection for them. This low level of duplication, if unchecked, will cause a low level, low-end products constantly produced, causing a tremendous waste of resources; the same time a large number of such products flooding the market, supply exceeds demand, causing machinery market confusion, so that lack of effective legal protection of intellectual property rights impede the continuous upgrading of the industry products and innovation and, ultimately, socio-economic progress.

    China's food packaging machinery mainly imitation, mapping, localization of a little improvement, let alone research and development. The current domestic research and development into less technical input required to account for 3 per cent of sales revenue, but most companies can not do. Our development methods are backward, and now better businesses to develop a "rejection Plate Project", but the real use of CAD remains woefully low. Product development, the lack of innovation, the level of difficulty. Backward means of production, most of the obsolete equipment, processing of general-purpose. Is not only a small number of new product development, and the development of a long cycle. In enterprise management, is often re-production and processing, light research and development, innovation is not enough market demand can not be followed by timely delivery of products. Most of the technical personnel of enterprises of the total proportion of the total number of workers reach 10 per cent. Only a few companies can reach more than 50 million yuan annual output &#118alue of scale.

    The lack of food packaging machinery industry of China's intellectual property rights awareness, a new product developed their own failure to make timely application for patent protection.

    Is often a company has just developed a product to market soon, other companies quickly copied out, the same equipment products there are thousands of businesses in a short time at the same time the market, to the last or even impossible to find who is the equipment, product developers; or even if the developer wants to pursue the responsibility of other generic manufacturers, but also because of intellectual property protection did not apply for the final had to let the matter rest. China's upgrading of food packaging machinery is too slow can not catch up completely flat and less repetitive speed. Much of the business was busy on the existing products to expand the market. Busy imitation and copying other people's equipment products, with no thought to how the upgrading of mechanical products, how to implement technological innovation.

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