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The development of the pharmaceutical industry to accelerate the speed of the de

Release Date:[2010/2/5 17:56:07]    Total read [2309] Times

The development of packaging machinery for food, medicine modern processing and mass production to provide the necessary guarantees. As with the specificity of drug production, drug packaging materials and packaging from the way, from the handling of environmental requirements to identify more stringent than the food packaging, limiting conditions become more demanding. This makes the pharmaceutical packaging machinery to develop into a relatively independent of the machinery industry.

China's packaging machinery to meet the needs of the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, and actively participate in international competition, we must break the "small and scattered," the industry trend in the "sophisticated" in the direction of constant progress. The industry believes that the future automation of the packaging industry will be coordinated with industry trends, technological development towards the diversification of mechanical function, structural design standardization, modular, control, intelligence, structure, high precision, and several other direction.

Some domestic packaging machinery manufacturers (Beijing spark Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., Beijing Parker Long, Guangzhou and Macao special, Nanjing, Qun-Jie) is also actively respond to market demand for reform and innovation.

Highly automated packaging chain, most of the domestic pharmaceutical packaging, especially the more complex arrangement of packaged goods, assembly work is basically manual, it is difficult to ensure the unity and stability of packaging and may result in contamination of packaged products. Some pharmaceutical companies even if the use of packaging machinery, it is only used in a particular aspect of the entire packaging chain, such as front-end packing mechanical packing, and then packaging segment is artificial. Therefore, improving the automation of entire packaging chain, the level and quality level, is a modern pharmaceutical companies to implement GMP standards a very important part. A real modern packaging machines of each robot shall be controlled by computer and have the right material and thickness of the high-resolution capabilities.

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