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At home and abroad for future development of food packaging machinery

Release Date:[2010/2/5 17:57:15]    Total read [2224] Times

As China's commodity economy prosperity and the improvement of people's living standards, food packaging machinery packaging is very optimistic about the prospects. In recent years, the state has increased its food and drug quality and safety supervision of food production and processing packaging technology have put forward new demands. A number of food-producing enterprises have invested funds for the technological transformation of packaging equipment and production technology innovation, to a certain extent, enhance the level of China's food industry and market competitiveness.

    Although China's food packaging machinery packaging technology levels have improved, but China's food packaging machinery packaging technology when compared with the developed countries is still evident in the competition at a disadvantage. China's packaging machinery industry, about 30% of enterprises with low-level duplicated construction. This situation is not only a waste of limited financial, human and other important resources, but also caused the disorder in packaging machinery market confusion, hinder the healthy development of the industry, has hampered China's small and medium food enterprises to upgrade packaging machinery and packaging technology innovation.

    China's food packaging machinery more use of single-based, scientific and technological content and a low degree of automation in new technologies, new processes, new materials, applications of small food enterprises in our country can not satisfy the requirements of the development. Some food companies to technological innovation, had to spend a lot of money from abroad a number of technologically advanced, high efficiency, packaging, food packaging sets of high precision production line, leading to a large part of the domestic market share occupied by foreign brands. China's food packaging machinery is still vast room for development, food packaging machinery packaging technology still needs to be developed urgently needs.

    Domestic food packaging machinery and major gaps in international

    A low production efficiency, high energy consumption, stability and reliability is poor, product modeling backward, look rough, basic parts and accessories, low life-made pneumatic parts and electrical components of poor quality. For example, Henan Spark Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. in the light of foreign advanced technology, based on the packaging machine to carry out reform and innovation in products, Spark brand series of pneumatic filling machine parts are used in Germany and Taiwan airtac the festo pneumatic components.

    2, control technology less. Such as long-distance remote control technology, stepper motor technology, information processing technology. Experts point out that the world, Germany, Italy, the United States and Japan, the level of the leading packaging machinery. Among them, in the United States forming, filling and sealing three kinds of machinery and equipment technology updates soon. Liquid filling equipment, such as the U.S. company (ejf) production of liquid filling machine, a device can be achieved gravity filling, pressure filling, as well as positive-pressure mobile pump-filling. That is, any viscosity of the liquid, as long as the filling by computer control to change the way can be achieved.

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